16th October
This week, Year 6 have been consolidating their maths learning for the term and applying what they have learned in to answering challenging questions. In English, they have been preparing to write a newspaper report based on the trials at the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Some of Year 6 embraces challenge and took part in the Kent Test on Thursday.
Next, Year 5 have being reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream and writing play scripts. In Science, they have been learning about night and day. Year 5 have learnt about the life and achievements on Katherine Johnson, in celebration of Black History Month.
Down in Bramleyham, Year 4 have been continuing to learn about the epic saga of Beowulf. They are writing and argument about whether he is a good role model or not. In maths, they have looked at using money and calculating change.
Year 3 have been writing a biography about Katherine Johnson, while in history they have been learning about the Stone Age and Stone Age houses.
Next, Year 2 have been finding fractions of shapes and numbers. They have learnt about changes that happened after The Great Fire of London.
Year 1 have been learning facts about our wonderful solar system. They have created their own fact poster. They have too been learning about Katherine Johnson and her vital role in the Apollo 13 mission.
Finally, Reception have been sorting shapes and colours. They have been thinking about what they want to be when they are older.
Remember, together everyone achieves more.