This week, Reception had great fun in their steel drum workshops! They enjoyed getting a chance to play the instruments as well as dancing to the music! 

Year 1 have been learning about the traditional tale of the gingerbread man and writing recipes using imperative verbs. In art they have been looking at Georgia O Keefe and recreating some of her work.  

The children in Year 2 have enjoyed learning about Henry VIII and writing a boastful speech as Henry. They have also been solving word problems and investigating materials.  

Next, Year 3 have been curiously discovering about the life of Althea Gibson and challenging themselves by investigating the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. 

Still in Bramleyham, Year 4 have been looking at plotting co-ordinates. In English, they have been writing the next chapter in the adventures of Edward Tulane.  

Onto Hemstalls, Year 5 have continued our learning about refugees and started reading the book ‘The boy at the back of the class.’ In maths they have extended their learning on perimeter and area. They thoroughly enjoyed our steel pan workshops this week and have completed the diversity coin competition.
Year 6 have enjoyed reading more of Cogheart this week. They are retelling part of the story from Lilly’s perspective. We all enjoyed the steel drum workshops and having a dance together! 

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More. 

By George S and Chloe S

Head Boy and Head Girl