26th April
Hello, at New Ash Green we have had a great time coming back and hope everyone had a fantastic Easter.
In reception their new topic is ‘growing’. They have also paint flowers and read the Very Hungry Caterpillar. Up a year to Year 1, they have been on a mini-beast hunt. They have learnt their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. On then to Year 2, they have learnt about dinosaurs and diversity in which they celebrated differences. Next Year 3 have written persuasive letters and have a new science topic. Year 4, however, have been writing their own poetry in English and learning decimals in maths. Next, in Year 5, they have been learning rounding, science and reading Alex Rider. Last but not least, in Year 6 they have been investigating animals, including humans in science and wrote a letter to the music company and got a reply.
Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More.
By Isabelle Love and Ethan Welham
Head Girl and Head Boy