27th February 2020
Firstly, in Reception they have learnt about the Very Hungry Caterpillar. In maths, they have been studying missing numbers.
Up a year, Year 1 have been using subtract to find the difference between given numbers. Also, they have been partitioning tens numbers.
Next, in Year 2, they have started their new topic of Ocean Warriors. Also, they have been reading The Rainbow Fish. They have learnt about different parts of a seed.
In Bramleyham, Year 3 have been focusing on their new topic of Pompeii. In maths, they have been looking at the mass of objects.
In Year 4, B1 performed a stunning class assembly on the Vikings. Also, in maths, they have been rounding different numbers.
Up to Hemstalls, Year 5 have been learning to divide decimals. They have started a new book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. They have sketched St Paul’s Cathedral.
Finally, Year 6 have been writing a description about the bombing raids during WWII. They have started reading a new book, Letters from the Lighthouse.
Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More.