29th November

Starting with Reception, they have been curious when programming Bee Bots and have been making wishes.

In Year 1, they have been working hard in Maths to learn how to double and halve numbers. In Spelling, they have been adding the suffix -d to their words.

Next, in Year 2, they have been doing some inspirational writing based on a dinosaur called Tiny.

In Bramleyham, Year 3 have been mixing colours in Art. They have also, learnt interesting facts about the Great Barrier Reef.

In Year 4, they have written a persuasive letter to prevent people cutting down trees in the rainforest. In Maths, they have been embracing challenge when ordering and sorting shapes.

Next, in Hemstalls, Year 5 have learnt more about Ernest Shackleton. They have also been preparing for Christmas by singing carols.

Finally, in Year 6, they have been classifying and identifying different animals, as well as this, they have designed their own creature! In addition, Year 6 are preparing to hold their own General Election for Hemstalls.

Remember Together Everyone Achieves More