2nd October
This week has been another busy week at school. Year 1 have been using manipulatives to work out subtraction questions and learning to put the biggest numbers first in subtraction number sentences. They have also been creating alien hideouts to go with the story ‘The Man on the Moon.’
This week Year 2 have been writing a story about The Great Fire of London and thinking about how animals are suited to their habitats. They have also been selecting coins in maths to make different amounts of money.
In Year 3, they have been reading ‘Stone Age Boy’ in English and discovering how fossils are made in science.
In English, Year 4 have been reading and learning more about the story of Beowulf. This has taken the form of writing reports, letters and the retelling of a battle. In maths, they have been learning about decimals.
Up in Hemstalls, the Year 5’s have been painting and finishing off their dragon eyes. They are still enjoying reading Treason and have really challenged themselves to learn long multiplication in maths.
Finally, in Year 6 they have been exploring the book ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. Tjhey have been writing setting descriptions about Diagon Alley and using a variety of descriptive techniques. In maths, they have been revisiting the written methods for multiplication and division.
Well done for all of your hard work this week and remember…
Together Everyone Achieves More!