Blog- Friday 21st May 

This week in Roundwood, Reception have continued to learn about African animals in the Savannah and used their creative writing to describe animals and guess who they are! In maths they have been learning all about one more than and one less than numbers beyond 20! 

In Year 1, they have written their own Tinga Tale about why the butterfly has colourful wings. In maths they have been learning about capacity and volume and measuring this using non standard units.  

This week, the children in Year 2 have each written their own fable and have been drawing and using arrays whilst learning about multiplication.  

Next, Year 3 have been writing persuasive speeches to convince others that the dark should be banned, just like in the book The King Who Banned The Dark. They have also been challenging themselves with creating moving mechanisms.   

Furthermore, Year 4 have been learning all newspaper reports through the story of Varjak Paw. In maths, they have looked at capacity and converting between ml and litres. 

Year 5 have been learning about The Windrush in their English lessons and are reading a book called Windrush Child by Benjamin ZephaniaThey have had a very busy week taking part in the cross country and watching the Fantastic Fred workshop about keeping their mental health healthy.   

Lastly, year 6 have been enjoyed being creative in their English lessons this week. They created their own scene using pastels based on The Highwayman poem. We all challenged ourselves this week when running the cross country! 

Remember, together everyone achieves more. 

By Georgie W and Chloe S

Head Boy and Head Girl


Good morning, 

This week, Roundwood have been learning about the very special Nativity Story and enjoyed making and painting clay stars that they will take home to decorate their Christmas trees. 

 In Year 1, they have been having lots of fun filming their dances for the Key Stage 1 nativity. In maths, they have been learning about shapes and their properties. 

In Year 2, they have been busy filming ‘Christmas with the Aliens’. They have also been using written methods to add and subtract large numbers and writing poetry about dinosaurs. 

Next, Year 3 have been challenging themselves to with division in maths and curiously exploring the Great Barrier Reef to create a fact file in English. 

Year 4 have been sewing their poison dart frogs and learning how to thread needles and use a blanket stitch. In Geography we have learned about the animals of the rainforest and completed posters about them. 

Now in Hemstalls, Year 5 have almost finished reading Shakleton’s Journey and been enjoying recording the events of the crew members in their log books. In Maths they have been reading line graphs. Both classes have enjoyed recording their parts for the KS2 Christmas Show. 

Finally, Year 6 have been publishing their retelling of A Christmas Carol. They have enjoyed playing the trading game and learning about trade in Geography. Both classes enjoyed their Christmas parties on Wednesday. 

Remember, together everyone achieves more. 

In Reception, they have been using repeated patterns to make paper chains for Christmas decorations. They have also been wishing upon a star. This week in Year 1 we have been creating missing posters for the bear’s teddy and in maths we have been learning about division as sharing. In Year 2 they have been busy practising for their Nativity performance. They have also been writing a story based on Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs.

In Year 3 they have been learning about multiplication and using arrays in maths. In English they have been looking at the poetry and writing their own versions. Finally, in Geography they have been looking at Ordnance Survey maps of New Ash Green. Year 4, have been writing persuasive letters to the main character in our book, The Great Kapok Tree, desperately trying to save the tree from being felled. This has linked to their rainforest work; in geography they have found out about the different layers of the forest.  They have also enjoyed creating our advent candles – inspired by Seurat’s pointillism.  Year 5 have been learning about Shackleton’s journey to Antarctica and have taken on the role of one of his crew. In science they have looked at which materials would keep Shackleton’s tea warm for the longest! In maths they have been recapping our knowledge of negative and prime numbers. In Year 6 we have been reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. In maths we have been looking at finding the nth term in algebra.

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More.

This week has been another busy week! Reception have been reading ‘The Owl who was Scared of the Dark’. Also, they have made their own telescope to look at the stars. Next, Year 1 have been writing stories about a time they lost a toy. In maths they have been challenging themselves to count in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s. Also, they are beginning to understand multiplication as repeated addition. In Year 2, they have used salt dough to make a dinosaur egg. They have been learning times table facts in maths. Year 2 have been self-motivated in making their writing interesting to read.

Now on to Bramleyham. Year 3 have been performing poetry written by Joseph Coelho. They have been curious when exploring the Great Wave by Hokusai. Year 4 have been challenging themselves when analysing poetry. In maths, they have been learning about symmetry and angles. In Hemstalls, Year 5 have started to read Shackleton and in maths they have been learning about time. Finally, Year 6 have been learning how to solve problems with ratio in maths. In English they have been using their independence to rewrite The Tempest by William Shakespeare from the perspective of Caliban, who is half sea monster half human.

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More.

Starting with Year 3, they have been retelling the amazing story of the Heavenly Elephant. In Maths, they have using their resilience to
tackle column subtraction. Year 4 have been busy learning many things! They have been writing an informal letter from the World War I trenches. They have looked at both multiplication and division in maths.

Year 5 have been writing their own war poetry to celebrate Remembrance Day, which was on the Wednesday 11th of November.
In maths, they have been self-motivated and used all four operations! In PE, Year 5 have begun recording their scores for the
virtual Sports Hall Athletics competition.

Now on to Year 6, we havebeen learning about the Linnaeus System in Science, as well as learning the Latin names for animals like fox and cat. In maths, we have interpreted bar charts and line graphs to do with Fairtrade.

Next, in Roundwood Reception have been making their own poppies for Remembrance Day. Year 1 have been learning about the adventurous Paddington Bear and writing fact files all about him. In maths they have embraced challenge and used number lines to find missing numbers. Finally, for Roundwood, year 2 have been studying the size of dinosaur footprints! In maths, they have been learning about times and divide in maths.

The whole school honoured Remembrance Day on Wednesday by holding a two-minute silence at 11am.

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More.

This week, Reception have been writing about fireworks in their Literacy. In
maths, they have been ordering objects by size.

Next, Year 1 have been learning about nouns and verbs and identifying them in
sentences. In maths, they have been learning about place value and making
teen numbers with dienes.

Finally, in Roundwood, Year 2 have enjoyed the start of their dinosaur topic
and are learning how to tell whether a dinosaur is a herbivore or carnivore.
They have also been using chaining and jottings in maths to add large

Next to Bramleyham, Year 3 have been planning a story about the Heavenly
Elephant and in Science have been learning about forces and friction.
Year 4 have had a busy week back after half term, learning how to use
analogue clocks to tell the time in maths and solve time related word
problems. In English, they have been captivated by ‘Yarny’, who is an adorable,
red woolly character from the game ‘Unravel’, and have thoroughly enjoyed
writing detailed descriptions of his adventures.

In Hemstalls, year 5 have been learning about Greta Thunberg as part of our
new topic on climate change. In maths, they have been thinking about place
value and rounding. In art they have been starting to learn about silhouettes.
Finally, Year 6 have been reading a new book called War Horse by Michael
Morpurgo. We have done lots of research about World War I in preparation to
write a non-chronological report. In Topic, we learnt how much money each
person gets in a production train for a banana and why Fairtrade is so

Remember, together everyone achieves more.

This week the whole school has been very busy. Year 6 have been learning about shape in maths and how to find missing angles in shapes. They have also published their newspaper reports based on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.


Year 5 have been planning and writing a description of a fantasy setting. In maths they have been finding the common denominator and in history they have been learning about the Spanish Armada.


Year 4 have been going history mad! They have been learning about the Battle of Hastings, created their own shields and even done a re-enactment about this famous battle.

Year 3 have been publishing biographies about the inspirational Katherine Johnson and learning all about right, acute and obtuse angles in maths.

Year 2 have been having fun this week, designing and making their own fire engines!

Year 1 have been reading and writing space poems and challenged themselves to use ambitious adjectives. In maths, they have been learning about 2D shapes and used a range of shapes to make rocket pictures.

Finally, Reception have been reading Funny Bones and measuring each other.

Have a lovely half term and remember… together everyone achieves more!

This week, Year 6 have been consolidating their maths learning for the term and applying what they have learned in to answering challenging questions. In English, they have been preparing to write a newspaper report based on the trials at the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Some of Year 6 embraces challenge and took part in the Kent Test on Thursday.

Next, Year 5 have being reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream and writing play scripts. In Science, they have been learning about night and day. Year 5 have learnt about the life and achievements on Katherine Johnson, in celebration of Black History Month.

Down in Bramleyham, Year 4 have been continuing to learn about the epic saga of Beowulf. They are writing and argument about whether he is a good role model or not. In maths, they have looked at using money and calculating change.

Year 3 have been writing a biography about Katherine Johnson, while in history they have been learning about the Stone Age and Stone Age houses.

Next, Year 2 have been finding fractions of shapes and numbers. They have learnt about changes that happened after The Great Fire of London.

Year 1 have been learning facts about our wonderful solar system. They have created their own fact poster. They have too been learning about Katherine Johnson and her vital role in the Apollo 13 mission.

Finally, Reception have been sorting shapes and colours. They have been thinking about what they want to be when they are older.

Remember, together everyone achieves more.

This week, down in Reception, they have been using apples to print repeating patterns.


Year 1 have been learning about money in maths. They have been using 1 and 2 pence coins to make small amounts. In English, they have been thinking about and predicting what they would see through a telescope.


Moving onto Year 2, they have been thinking about how animals are suited to their habitat, measuring length in maths and discovering the features of non-fiction books.


This week, Year 3 have been putting events of the Stone Age in order on a timeline and are looking forward to their Stone Age day today.


In maths in Year 4, they have been learning to accurately measure with a ruler in both centimetres and millimetres. They have also been learning how to find perimeter. In English, Year 4’s adventures with Beowulf continue and they have written stories about Beowulf’s battle with the evil sea-hag!


Year 5 have been finishing their work on Treason and in maths they are learning how to divide. In art, they have been practising their sketching skills with different pencils, ready to start their Tudor portraits.


Finally, in Year 6 they have been focusing on their mental health this week. They are looking forward to mental health day today. They have also enjoyed learning about the Shang Dynasty, particularly about Fu Hao and dragon bones.


That’s it for this week and remember, together everyone achieves more!

This week has been another busy week at school. Year 1 have been using manipulatives to work out subtraction questions and learning to put the biggest numbers first in subtraction number sentences. They have also been creating alien hideouts to go with the story ‘The Man on the Moon.’

This week Year 2 have been writing a story about The Great Fire of London and thinking about how animals are suited to their habitats. They have also been selecting coins in maths to make different amounts of money.

In Year 3, they have been reading ‘Stone Age Boy’ in English and discovering how fossils are made in science.

In English, Year 4 have been reading and learning more about the story of Beowulf. This has taken the form of writing reports, letters and the retelling of a battle. In maths, they have been learning about decimals.

Up in Hemstalls, the Year 5’s have been painting and finishing off their dragon eyes. They are still enjoying reading Treason and have really challenged themselves to learn long multiplication in maths.

Finally, in Year 6 they have been exploring the book ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. Tjhey have been writing setting descriptions about Diagon Alley and using a variety of descriptive techniques. In maths, they have been revisiting the written methods for multiplication and division.

Well done for all of your hard work this week and remember…

Together Everyone Achieves More!