Hi my name is Ben and I am standing in for Georgie.

This week has been a busy week at school. Reception have been settling into their new classes and have been completing full days. We would like to welcome them to New Ash Green and say well done for such a good start.

In Year 1, they have been looking at Baboon on the Moon in English. In science they have been learning about space events from the past.

In Year 2, they have been learning about The Great Fire of London and have created art to show their learning. They have also written a letter from Samuel Pepys to the King. In maths, they have been learning about place value.

This week, in Year 3, they have been learning about different types of rocks in science. They have also been using the book, Gregory Cool, to inspire diary entries.

Year 4 have also been busy. They have learn about electricity in science and made their own series circuits. During English, they have been sharing the thrilling story of Beowulf and have written descriptive reports on the beast Grendel.

As part of their Tudors topic, Year 5 have been reading Treason in English. In maths, they have been looking at money. They have also really enjoyed creating dragon eyes out of clay.

Finally, Year 6 have been reading Boy Overboard by Morris Gleitzman. This inspired them to write balanced arguments about schooling for children in developing countries. They have also been learning about BODMAS and algebra in maths. In art, they have been designing their tree sculptures and are looking forward to making them soon.

Well done for all of your hard work this week and remember…

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More!


Firstly, in Reception they have learnt about the Very Hungry Caterpillar. In maths, they have been studying missing numbers.

Up a year, Year 1 have been using subtract to find the difference between given numbers. Also, they have been partitioning tens numbers.

Next, in Year 2, they have started their new topic of Ocean Warriors. Also, they have been reading The Rainbow Fish. They have learnt about different parts of a seed.

In Bramleyham, Year 3 have been focusing on their new topic of Pompeii. In maths, they have been looking at the mass of objects.

In Year 4, B1 performed a stunning class assembly on the Vikings. Also, in maths, they have been rounding different numbers.

Up to Hemstalls, Year 5 have been learning to divide decimals. They have started a new book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. They have sketched St Paul’s Cathedral.

Finally, Year 6 have been writing a description about the bombing raids during WWII. They have started reading a new book, Letters from the Lighthouse.

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More.

Starting with Year 6, we have been writing a newspaper report on the declaration of World War II. We have been using percentages in maths.

Next, in Year 5, they have been looking at shape and angles in maths. Also, they have been looking at the story of Odysseus.

In Bramleyham, Year 4 have been learning about Alexander Graham Bell in their English and Science lessons. Additionally, they have been looking at fractions in maths.

In Year 3, they have been writing a newspaper report based on ‘I Was a Rat!’. They have been learning about Boudicca in topic.

Now, in Roundwood, Year 2 have been writing non-fiction reports on The Great Fire of London. In maths they have been using the bar model for fractions. Roundwood 1 performed a fantastic class assembly to the school and parents too.

In Year 1, they have been writing pirate poems! They have learnt how to tell the time with o’clock and half past.

Finally, in Reception, they have been hot seating pretending to be St. George. They have been developing their painting skills, whilst painting knights.

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More!

This week, Reception have been writing letters to Prince Charming.

Next, Year 1 have been writing pirate stories. In maths, they have been learning about money.

Up a year, Year 2 have been working with grams in maths. Also, they have been writing a story about the Great Fire of London. In Art, they have been sketching fruit.

In Bramleyham, Year 3 have been developing their Spanish speaking skills. In maths, they have learnt the bus stop method for division.

Year 4 have been learning about fractions in maths. They have been planning a story for the 500-word challenge.

Next in Hemstalls, Year 5 have been learning about area. They have been writing stories on Odysseus in English. Also, they completed their Greek vases.

Finally, Year 6 have learnt how to multiply and divide fractions. We have continued to write our diary entry based on ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’.

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More.

To begin with, Reception have been learning about Chinese New Year. They have learnt Chinese numbers and Chinese dances.

Next, Year 1 have been learning division. Also, they have been learning exciting facts about pirates!

Subsequently, Year 2 have continued their topic on The Great Fire of London, in particular learning about Samuel Pepys. In maths, they have been solving word problems.

Up a year, in Year 3, they have been reading the story ‘I Was a Rat!’ by Philip Pullman. In Science, they have been studying different types of skeletons.

Year 4 have been developing their skills in addition and subtraction. In English, they have been writing a dialogue.

Now in Hemstalls, Year 5 have been writing about Hercules. In addition, they have been creating their own vases.

To conclude, Year 6 have started to read a new book called ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’, they will be writing a diary entry based on the story. In Science, we have been memorising symbols that make up an electrical circuit.

This week in Year 6, we have preparing and writing a biography about Winston Churchill. Also, we have started to plan our own text adventure on Purple Mash.

Next, in Year 5, they have been studying percentages in maths. They have been learning about Hercules as part of their new topic Ancient Greece.

In Year 4, they are writing a Viking saga. Also, in maths they have been looking at place value.

Next, in Year 3, they have been learning about what plants need for food in Science. They have started their new topic on the Romans and finding more out about Roman slaves.

In Roundwood, Year 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London. In maths, they have been working with empty number lines.

In Year 1, they have been learning their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. They have been reading the book ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’.

In culmination, the Reception classes have loved starting their new topic Princesses and Dragons. They used their imagination to decide what the dragon would breathe out.

Remember, together everyone achieves more!

By William and Eve

Head Boy and Head Girl

Starting with Reception, they have been curious when programming Bee Bots and have been making wishes.

In Year 1, they have been working hard in Maths to learn how to double and halve numbers. In Spelling, they have been adding the suffix -d to their words.

Next, in Year 2, they have been doing some inspirational writing based on a dinosaur called Tiny.

In Bramleyham, Year 3 have been mixing colours in Art. They have also, learnt interesting facts about the Great Barrier Reef.

In Year 4, they have written a persuasive letter to prevent people cutting down trees in the rainforest. In Maths, they have been embracing challenge when ordering and sorting shapes.

Next, in Hemstalls, Year 5 have learnt more about Ernest Shackleton. They have also been preparing for Christmas by singing carols.

Finally, in Year 6, they have been classifying and identifying different animals, as well as this, they have designed their own creature! In addition, Year 6 are preparing to hold their own General Election for Hemstalls.

Remember Together Everyone Achieves More

First of all, in reception they have been learning about fireworks and making 3D poppies.  Next, in Year 1 they have learnt about Paddington and wrote amazing fact files about him.  Up a year, into Year 2 they have made dinosaur eggs out of salt dough and have been learning chaining.

Up in Bramleyham, Year 3 have made interesting information sheets about Antarctica.  Up to Year 4, they have learnt about the time and have written informal letters.

Next in Hemstalls, Year 5 have been doing fractions in maths and have written some war poetry too.  Finally in Year 6, they have written their non-chronological report on world war one, they have planned a letter based on War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.

Remember Together Everyone Achieves More

By William and Eve

Head Boy and Head Girl

To start off with reception have been looking around the school and getting used to spending a whole day at school.  Up in Year 1 they have been practising subtraction and reading the man on the moon.  Next in Year 2 they have been learning about Henry VIII and painting castles in their art lessons.

In Year 3 they have been reading about a talking albatross and a mermaid.  They have also been practising their column addition in maths.  Up in Year 4 they have been reading Beowulf and have been subtracting and estimating numbers in maths.  Next, in Year 5, they have gone on an exciting school trip to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London.  Finally, Year 6 have been learning about BODMAS in maths and preparing to write a setting description in English.

Remember Together Everyone Achieves More

By William and Eve

Head Boy and Head Girl

Welcome back to all at New Ash Green Primary School.  I am William, the Head Boy and I am Eve, the Head Girl.  We are both so excited for the upcoming year.  Last week, we all spent the first three days getting to know our new class teacher.

This week, we have all be settling into our class routines and starting our learning for the year.  Also, welcome to our new reception children who started at New Ash Green on Monday.

This week, in Reception, they have been staying for lunch and have been painting portraits of themselves.  Also, they have been learning and talking about their families.

Next, in Year 1, they have been using money in maths and have been writing about the ‘Baboon on the Moon’.  They have made the Baboon a friend.

Up a year in Year 2, they have been reading Herb the Vegetarian Dragon and have been hot-seating the characters.

In Year 3, they have been ordering numbers up to 1,000 and beyond! Also, they have written a story about time travelling to the Stone Age.

Up in Year 4, they have been revisiting place value and have read the poem Beowulf in English.

Next, in Year 5, they have been learning about the Globe Theatre in preparation for their school trip next week.

Finally, in Year 6 we have been rounding decimals and preparing to write a balanced argument based on the image of a young boy doing his homework in the street.

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More

By Eve and William

Head Girl and Head Boy