At New Ash Green we have an exciting week, in spite of the weather!

Firstly, in Reception, they have been reading the Rainbow Fish and finding out what makes a good friend.  They have also been learning about 3D shapes.  Secondly, Year 1 have been writing fairy tales and in maths they have been telling the time.  As well as this, Year 2  have made rice crispy cakes and have also learnt about road safety.  Year 3, however, have been learning angles and co-ordinates in maths and have been reading Wolves.

On to Year 4, they have been imagining they have been lost in the woods and writing a suspense story.  Up into Hemstalls, more specifically, Year 5, have been pond dipping, finding worms and writing about the Lighthouse.  Last, but not least, Year 6 have had a visit from West Kent Housing Association and have written character studies in English.

Remember Together Everyone Achieves More

By Isabelle Love and Ethan Welham

Head Girl and Head Boy

In New Ash Green Primary School this week everyone has had a great week  and Year 6 have been gearing up for their SATs.  Year 6 have also been thinking about Britain in the 1950’s.  On to Year 5, they have been learning about line graphs and practising times tables  in maths plus they have read The Wind Rush in English.  Now to Year 4, they have been learning about money in maths and about memory boxes in art.  Next, Year 3’s have studied the art of Andy Warhol and in maths they have learnt how to solve multiplication using column method.  Year 2, however, have been writing fact files about dinosaurs and in art they have been making dinosaur eggs in nests.  Year 1 have gone on a school trip to Tyland Barn and have been learning division.  They have also been writing plans for recounts.  Finally, in Reception they have been learning about mini beasts and have been using pastels to create their own ones.

Remember Together Everyone Achieves More

By Isabelle Love and Ethan Welham

Head Girl and Head Boy

At New Ash Green Primary we have celebrated the start of May.  Year 5 have been voting for their new May King and Queen.

In Reception, they have been painting symmetrical butterflies and writing diary entries of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Next in Year 1, they have been writing about the snail and the whale.  In Year 2, they have been  making dinosaur eggs of salt dough and reading Tyrannosaurs Drip and learning about word problems.  Year 3 have been making strong structures in Science, also painting Marilyn Monroe in the style of Andy Warhol.  On to Year 4 they have learnt column methods and written about The Matchbox Diary book they have been reading.  Up to Year 5 in English they have written a character study for Alex Rider and in maths they practised timetables.  In Year 6 they have been practising for their SATs with multiple tests and have also been doing art with Mrs Cain.

Remember Together Everyone Achieves More.

By Isabelle Love and Ethan Welham

Head Girl and Head Boy

Hello, at New Ash Green we have had a great time coming back and hope everyone had a fantastic Easter.

In reception their new topic is ‘growing’.  They have also paint flowers and read the Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Up a year to Year 1, they have been on a mini-beast hunt.  They have learnt their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  On then to Year 2, they have learnt about dinosaurs and diversity in which they celebrated differences.  Next Year 3 have written persuasive letters and have a new science topic.  Year 4, however, have been writing their own poetry in English and learning decimals in maths.  Next, in Year 5, they have been learning rounding, science and reading Alex Rider.  Last but not least, in Year 6 they have been investigating animals, including humans in science and wrote a letter to the music company and got a reply.

Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More.

By Isabelle Love and Ethan Welham

Head Girl and Head Boy

The week New Ash Green Primary had the sports bug and have enjoyed a cross country competition hosted at our school!

Firstly, in Reception, they have written the Easter story and in science have been learning the life cycle of a frog.  Next Year 1 have been reading an adventure story, with a beginning, middle and end about Paddington Bear.  Moving on to Year 2, they have used jottings written methods in maths to solve problems.

Year 3, however, have been reading ‘The Angel of Nitshill Road’ and learning about sound.  The Book Crunchers have also done a fantastic class assembly.  Next, Year 4 have been making string telephones and writing the story of Varjack Paw in their own words.  Year 5 have been doing tests and writing a ‘disappearance plan’.  Finally, in Year 6 they have been learning fractions and algebra and have also been creating environmental art.

Remember – Together Everyone Achieves More

By Isabelle Love and Ethan Welham

Head Girl and Head Boy

Hello and good morning!  This week the students of New Ash Green Primary School have had a brilliant time.

Firstly, in Foundation Stage they have been learning about Baa Baa Black Sheep and sorting them in to Carroll Diagrams.  Next, in Year 1, they have been writing fact files about Paddington Bear, they have also been learning about 3D shapes.  Year 2, however, have been observing their caterpillars grow and writing different types of poetry about the rainforest.

On to Bramleyham, Year 3 have been doing suspense writing and have also been doing their assessments.  In Year 4, however, they have been reading Varjak Paw and in maths have been learning decimals.  Also they have been learning German.  Moving up a year to Year 5, they have wrote the Easter story, learnt about plastic pollution and even picked litter from the school field.  Last but not least, Year 6 have wrote a blog in ICT and writing a suspense story in English.  They have also been creating environmental art.

Remember – Together Everyone Achieves More

By Ethan Welham and Isabelle Love

Head Boy and Head Girl

This week we had a very special visit from a Great British hurdler called Giani Frankis and everyone took part in some great activities.  In reception they have been role playing money in maths and doing a mini beast hunt.  Onto year 1, they  have learnt anti-clockwise and clockwise and in English they have been learning how to use speech marks and writing about different toys.  Year 2 have learnt about Rainforests and created charts, pictograms and venn diagrams.

Next in Year 3 they are studying the Iron Man and thinking up battles for him.  After that, in Year 4, they have been practising their class assembly and writing their own endings to the Iron Man.  Year 5, however, have been recovering from their trip to the Science Museum and continuing to read the London Eye Mystery.  Finally, in Year 6, we are doing word problems and writing mystery stories.

Remember – Together Everyone Achieves More.

By Isabelle Love and Ethan Welham

Head Girl and Head Boy

Our Blog is back!

In Foundation Stage they have been reading about an old bear who came down from the attic and had some adventures.  In Year 1 they have been finding the difference between 2 numbers and been writing a letter pretending to be a pirate.  Year 2 have been busy reading a story of how to find gold and have been writing directions on how to find it!  We hope they found some!

In Key Stage 2, Year 3 in maths have been learning fractions whilst in English they have been writing a story titled ‘Window’.  They created some interesting stories.  In Year 4 they have been sewing!  They made Rainforest animals and have also been writing their own stories titled ‘Window’.  They had some amazing ideas too!  Year 5 have been learning angles and algebra in maths and English has been all about creating stories about a little red yarn person.  We think they did extremely well with their writing.  Year 6 have been very busy also with their problem solving in maths.  In Art they recreated a painting by Kandinsky using only recycled materials.

Remember – Together Everyone Achieves More

By Isabelle Love and Ethan Welham

Head Girl and Head Boy