Year 1 learning from home
Week beginning 18.01.21
From this week we will be using a mixture of Teams pre-recorded lessons from Mrs Morsman, Mrs Welch and Miss Taylor, Oak Academy lessons and BBC home learning.
All of these lessons are also uploaded as Assignments on your TEAMS account. We have shared the links to the videos that we have recorded on here but they are linked on the relevant assignments with resources on Teams.
English Learning:
Monday 18th January
Please log into Teams and view the lesson via the assignment named ‘Monday 18th January’ under the English channel.
Today’s focus: In this lesson we are going to be thinking creatively about what pet we would own as a pirate and then we will be retrieving facts about pirates and trying to answer questions about them.
Please find the All About Pirate Quiz in your assignments section in Teams.
Tuesday 19th January
Please log into Teams and view the lesson via the assignment named ‘Tuesday 19th January’ under the English channel.
Today’s focus: In this lesson we will be creating a fact file about pirates using the facts we learnt about them yesterday.
Wednesday 20th January
Today’s focus: In this lesson we are going to be learning about alphabetical order. We will be ordering letters and words into alphabetical order.
Thursday 21st January
Today’s focus: In this lesson we will recap using upper case and lower-case letters. We will also be making up words with blend sounds in them.
Friday 22nd January
Today’s focus: In this lesson we are going to learn about the days of the week and what order they come in.
In Activity 4 we are going to write a diary of what we have done this week using the days of the week. For example:
On Monday I went for a walk.
On Tuesday I ate fish and chips.
Phonics Learning:
This week in phonics we are going to continue to revise some of the phase 5 sounds. Log into Teams each day and access each lesson via the phonics channel. Each day’s lesson will be available to view on the day and will continue to be accessible until the end of the week.
Monday 18th January – aw as in jaw, saw and claw.
Document 1 aw real and nonsense words
Tuesday 19th January – ph as in dolphin, phonics and elephant.
Document 2 ph phoneme spotter postcard
Wednesday 20th January – ew as in chew and grew, and new and tissue.
Please watch the following video:
Document 3 ew activity
Thursday 21st January – oe as in toe, goes and potatoes.
Please watch the following video:
Document 4 oe Roll and Read
Friday 22nd January – reading and writing tricky words.
Please watch the following video:
Maths Learning:
This week in Maths we are going to be learning about addition and subtraction to 20.
Monday 18th January
Oak Academy –
Today’s focus: Today we will be learning how to use ‘first, then, now’ stories to add by counting on, using a number line. For today’s lesson you will need a pencil and some paper.
Tuesday 19th January
Oak Academy –
Today’s focus: Today we will be learning how to use ‘first, then, now’ stories to subtract by counting back, using a number line. For today’s lesson you will need a pencil and some paper.
Wednesday 20th January
Oak Academy –
Today’s focus: Today we will be using the ‘make ten’ strategy to solve calculations. For today’s lesson you will need a pencil, some paper and a part-whole model. You will also need a tens frame, you can draw this or use the one in the resources of the lesson.
Thursday 21st January
Please log into Teams and view the lesson via the assignment named ‘Thursday 21st January’ under the Maths channel.
Today’s focus: Today we will be using different strategies to solve ‘first, then, now’ addition stories. You will need a pencil and some paper. There are additional resources needed for this lesson, a number line, tens frame and bead string, you can find a copy of these in the lesson resources. You can always draw your own if you want to!
Document 6 Thurs 21st independent task
Document 7 Thurs resource sheet
Friday 22nd January
Please log into Teams and view the lesson via the assignment named ‘Friday 22nd January’ under the Maths channel.
Today’s focus: Today we will be using different strategies to solve ‘first, then, now’ addition stories. You will need a pencil and some paper. There are additional resources needed for this lesson, a number line, tens frame and bead string, you can find a copy of these in the lesson resources. You can always draw your own if you want to!
Document 8 Fri 22nd independent task
Other Activities:
Let’s Keep Active
This week in PE we would like you to follow the instructions given by Justin Fletcher in the link below. In this dance session you will become the motley crew of the ‘Good Ship Collywobble’ and dance a hornpipe. The instructions for the hornpipe are to work in pairs and then groups of 4, maybe you could ask some members of your family to join in with you. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough to make 4, just practise the movements. Make sure you listen carefully to the instructions!
1. On the rolling, rolling sea – BBC Teach
This week in English we are learning facts about pirates and also learning about what they wear. For art this week we would like you to design your own pirate bandana. A bandana is a piece of clothing worn on the head and it would help protect the pirate from the sun.
Think about the types of symbols that we might find on a pirate bandana like skulls, cross bones and swords. Use the documents below to help you. These can also be found in our Art channel in TEAMs.
Document 9 Bandana symbols
Document 10 Bandana worksheet
In this lesson you will be learning how to sing the song ‘The big ship sails on the ally-ally-oh’.
You will learn the verses (sections of the song). See if you can identify the rests (no sound) in Verse 1 and Verse 2. Can you also notice that the tempo (speed) of the song in Verse 3 changes?
What are human and physical features? – BBC Bitesize
This week we are going to be learning about human and physical features. Watch the clips and have a go at the quizzes to see if you can learn about the difference between a human feature and a physical feature.
Can you come up with a range of human and physical features. For example:
A road is a human feature.
A cliff is a physical feature.
You could then be the teacher and explain to a family member the difference.
In computing this week, we are going to be looking at creating an algorithm again. This is a set of instructions made on the computer.
In your 2dos on Purple Mash I have set you the task 2Go to have another go at. This time I would like you to have a go at challenges 3 and 4.
Challenge 3 has a new set of direction keys. Which way will they make your character move?
In Challenge 4 the directional tools in this activity will look very different. In this challenge, you need to create a list of instructions. This list is what we call an algorithm. Can you get Little Red Riding Hood to Grandma? You may need to have a few goes at creating your instructions before you work it out.
This week we are learning about the importance of diversity and acceptance.
Watch the following video of Elmer the patchwork elephant.
On the first page of the book, can you remember how the different elephants were described?
What was unique about Elmer besides the way he looked?
Why do you think Elmer was so unhappy?
What is the Elmer’s Day Parade?
Do you think Elmer learned that being different is ok?
Discuss the importance of diversity and being different like Elmer.
Activity: Design your own elephant. You could write some sentences around your elephant about the importance of being different. For example: We are all different. We are unique. What makes you different makes you beautiful!
Use the document below (also on our teams PSHE channel).
Document 11 Elmer the elephant
Let’s be scientific!
Watch the following lesson on Oak Academy
Lesson focus: To learn about and use our five senses.