Year 6 learning from home
Week beginning 18th January
We are so excited to be making more use of Microsoft Teams this week. Please see the document below for your child’s class which will detail when live lessons are being held this week.
Document 1- H1 live lesson timetable
Document 2- H2 live lesson timetable
English Learning:
Our English learning this week is going to focus on the text ‘Sherlock Holmes’ by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The adventures of Sherlock Holmes are mystery stories. We are going to be using this text as the inspiration for setting and character descriptions. Don’t forget to look at the introductory video on the website- this will remind you about some descriptive techniques that we have looked at before.
Monday 18th January: Today’s lesson focusses on the context of the stories.
Here is the link to today’ lesson:
The lesson today looks at the context of the story of Sherlock Holmes and gives us some background. This will link to our work on A Christmas Carol, so before the lesson, complete the sheet below with what you can remember and then add in new learning. Please email it to us using the email.
Tuesday 19th January: Today’s lesson is on spelling homophones (taught on Microsoft Teams)
Today’s lesson will be our first lesson on teams. We are going to be exploring homophones and how to spell them. If you cannot take part in the lesson at the correct time, we will be recording the lesson to watch later. You can access this via Teams, where you will find it in the activity log. Please check your class team for the timing of your lesson.
After the lesson, we would like you to complete the homophone spelling activity. This can be found as an assignment on Teams, or using the link below. You can submit this via assignments or by emailing it to
Wednesday 20th January: Today’s lesson is on simple and compound sentences.
Here is the link to today’s lesson:
This lesson will be a reminder for you on the difference between simple and compound sentences and how to create compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions.
Thursday 21st January: Today’s lesson is on generating descriptive vocabulary (taught on Microsoft Teams)
Today’s lesson will be taught live on Teams. Please check your class team to find out when the lesson is taking place. If you cannot attend at the correct time, it will be recorded as a video. You can find the recording in the activity log of your class team.
After the lesson, you will be asked to generate some words to describe an image of Victorian London and then use these words to write sentences which include a prepositional phrase. You can find this work on ‘assignments’ on teams or via the link below. Please hand this in via assignments on Teams, or by emailing to the email address.
Document 5- describing an image
Friday 22nd January: Please complete this lesson which will further extend your descriptive vocabulary.
The link to today’s lesson can be found here:
The lesson today will build on your work on synonyms and will allow you to generate some more words which we can use to describe a setting.
Reading skills to practise during the week:
We have set a reading comprehension activity on PurpleMash based around the text ‘Seven Hours to Save the World’. We would like you to read chapters 1-5 and complete the quizzes for each chapter. These have been set as 2Dos.
Maths Learning:
This week we are going to be practicing multiplication and division methods.
Monday 18th January: Representing decimal numbers in different ways.
Tuesday 19th January: Solving problems that involve multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
Wednesday 20th January: Division with remainders as a fraction or a decimal. Teams lesson!
Wednesday’s lesson will be on teams. We are going to be practicing dividing giving the remainder as a fraction or decimal. If you cannot take part in the lesson at the correct time, we will be recording the lesson to watch later. After the lesson, we would like you to complete the remainders activity. This can be found as an assignment on Teams or the link below.
Thursday 21st January: Representing remainders in different ways depending on the context.
Friday 22nd January: Multiplication and division reasoning problems. Teams lesson!
Friday’s lesson will be on teams. We are going to be developing our reasoning skills based on multiplication and division. If you cannot take part in the lesson at the correct time, we will be recording the lesson to watch later. After the lesson, we would like you to complete the reasoning activity. This can be found as an assignment on Teams or the link below.
Document 7- reasoning statements.
Maths Key Skills to practise during the week:
5-minute maths skills:
Each day please complete a 5-minute maths activity from the website below. You can choose whether you complete bronze, silver, gold or platinum level (but remember to challenge yourselves!)
Angles in a triangle:
Set as a 2Do on Purple Mash. You will need to find the missing angles in the triangles given. Can you remember what the angels in a triangle add up to?
Other Activities:
Let’s Keep Active
P.E. with Joe- Here is a link to some 5 minute workouts that are suitable to complete at home.
Let us know how you get on!
For French this week you are going to be developing your French pronunciation skills. Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson on pronouncing vowels in French. Listen carefully and repeat the examples given too!
We would like you to complete the lesson on ‘exploring 2 beats in a bar’. The link can be found here:
This week, we are going to be learning about Mayan games. Begin by reading the information on this link:
We would then like you to compare the Mayan game of Pok A Tok to modern football. Think about which things are similar and which are different. On PurpleMash there is a sheet to record your comparisons (set as a 2Do) or you can draw your own and email it to
This week, we would like you to plan out your text adventure using 2Create a story (set as a 2Do on PurpleMash). You will need to create an image and a few sentences for each page of your story, just like the Red Riding Hood example that we looked at in Week 1. The story can be one that you already know, or it can be your own that you have made up. We would like at least 8 pages please.
This week, we are going to be thinking about roles and responsibilities that we might have within our community.
The lesson can be found here:
Don’t forget to let us know how you get on with the final quiz by emailing us a screen shot of your score.
Let’s be scientific!
What is static electricity?
This week you will be learning about how objects become charged. Complete the lesson from The Oak Academy. Let us know how you scored on the final quiz!