Year 3 learning from home

Moving from Year 3 to Year 4

Over the next two weeks, we would like you to complete some activities to share with your new teacher. This will help your new teacher get to know you before September.

You could complete the activities and email them via Please put your child’s name and new teacher in the subject bar.

Or, you could take photographs of the activities and email the photographs.

Alternatively, you could put the activities in an envelope and hand them in to the office before the end of term 6.

Activity 1:

I am an amazing person! (doc. 1)

Please read and complete the ‘star’ sentences telling your new teacher about all your talents and skills. You can draw or write your answers.

Activity 2:

All about me!

(Please complete doc 2.)

Please complete the booklet describing, in detail, everything your new teacher needs to know about you!


As well as the activities above, there will continue to be 2Dos set on Purple Mash.

Remember: BBC Bitesize is continuing with daily fun lessons. All of the lessons from June are still available for each year group on the website. They are definitely worth looking at if you have not already done so.


During the summer holiday, it would be wonderful if you could continue to read regularly.

Reading is so important. Reading a little (or a lot!) on a regular basis makes a HUGE difference.

The Summer Reading Challenge

See if you can take part in the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge.

Get rewards, play games and earn badges as you discover awesome books to read this summer.

My Active Rainbow Challenge

You could take part in ‘My Active Rainbow Challenge.’ You can even win medals!

There is more information under the ‘Active’ section, which is near the bottom of the Learning at Home tab on the school website.

Look at the Active tab on the Learning at Home webpage for more information about ‘The Active Challenge’
