Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting

The Assessment Policy provides the rationale and brings clarity to the purpose and importance of assessment as the driver of pupil progress and the measure of effective teaching and learning;

Assessment is the means by which the progress, skills and knowledge of pupils is monitored and tracked which ensures accelerated learning’

The policy further defines the importance of assessment:

  • To define each learner’s ability: what the pupil knows, understands and can apply
  • To gain as full an understanding as possible of each learner’s skills level: what the child can do
  • To gain a full understanding of the progress made by each learner
  • To gain an awareness of the steps needed to continue progress of both skills and knowledge and to help these steps occur
  • To enable teaching staff to plan and deliver learning opportunities which will ensure progression for learners
  • To gain an understanding of the efficacy of teaching strategies
  • To ensure continuity and progression throughout the school
  • To reveal pupils’ strengths and weaknesses
  • To enable teachers to plan and deliver learning that is appropriately challenging to pupil’s attainment
  • To communicate accurate information about the learner that is useful to teachers, pupils, parents, and other educational agencies
  • To communicate accurate information about the learner that is useful to teachers, pupils, parents and other educational agencies
  • To ensure early identification of pupils with SEN or more able


How we move learning forward

We are committed to improving our school’s use of pupil assessment data to inform more personalised learning.

We believe that the best response to pupils’ learning is personalised and immediate. However, there are times when learning needs to be reviewed in the child’s absence. We believe that every piece of recorded learning needs to be assessed by the class teacher or teaching assistant to ensure that the pupil’s learning steps have been identified and that the future lessons are planned to develop the children’s learning progressively. This needs to be recorded to ensure that the pupils see their contributions as valuable.

Communication with parents/carers

Each parent/carer has three formal opportunities each year to meet their child’s teacher to discuss their progress and attainment.


This is a ten minute evening interview in the second half of the Autumn term is designed to allow the teacher and parent/carer to share progress made. In year 5 and 6 there is a 15 minute meeting where the pupil, parents, class teacher and DHT/ HT attend.


Pupil Progress meeting. This is a ten-minute evening appointment designed to discuss personal targets for the pupil to help them to progress further in English, Maths and Social Skills. The pupil’s books and work samples are available for the parents/carers to examine.

In year 5 and 6 there is a 15 minute meeting where the pupil, parents, class teacher and DHT/ HT attend.


This open evening meeting is a review of the year and follows on from the publication of the pupil’s report. Parent can come in between a set time and speak to the class teacher and look through their child’s books.


At the end of the summer term each teacher for each pupil publishes a formal report. This report has full written sections on general attributes and successes, in all subjects. Information is also given on attendance and the other National Curriculum subjects. Assessment data is published for pupils in Years 2 and 6 for both the test results and the teacher assessment levels. In the other years parents are informed as to whether their child is achieving below, expected and exceeding attainment level for their age.

At the end of EYFS, parents are provided with a written summary reporting the child’s progress against the early learning goals and the assessment scales; where the parent requests it, a copy of the EYFS Profile.