Partnership with parents
Our aim is to work closely with parents as the children’s first educators. In partnership, we can ensure that children reach their potential. Formal opportunities are offered throughout the year for parents to meet teachers to be updated on their child’s progress, attainment and targets, although appointments to see teachers at other times may be made. Annual reports are sent out before the end of the summer term. The PTA is a very active group of parents which not only raises money for the school through organised events, it also provides opportunities to socialise with staff and parents.
The Parents Forum meets each term with the Head Teacher to discuss the developments within the school. Issues and concerns can be raised. All parents are welcome to attend. The Parents’ Forum has already made a positive contribution to the direction of the school in a variety of ways.
- Talk Out Loud meetings to share curriculum developments in the school
- Improved access to the school
- Improved information sharing
- Changes Sports Days
- Changes to Year 5 and 6 trips
- New topics for parent workshops e.g., support for volunteer readers
If you have any concerns, ideas or thoughts, please use the Parents Forum box in the entrance or contact Mrs. Campion by phone (01474 873858) or email from here
Parents Support
Where parents support the school, the education experience for children is extremely successful. In partnership, we can achieve great things. We can communicate with parents via Parentmail. Please make sure we have up-to-date mobile telephone numbers and email addresses.