
If a child is taken ill during the school day and clearly is unhappy we will contact parents and suggest the child is collected.  Please ensure that the school has up to date contact numbers.  If a child is fit to return to school after illness but has medication to finish, it is quite in order for parents to come to the school (via the office) and administer a dose.  However, we do realise that there are occasions when a child needs to take medicine when there is a condition which is likely to cause regular concern eg. asthma.  In cases of asthma, the school needs to be informed, in writing, and inhalers can be kept in the child’s classroom in a named, zipped bag with the required dosage.  These inhalers can then be used when required and also taken on school trips.  Please be sure to keep asthma pumps within the expiry date.  For the safety of all children we do ask that children themselves should not be provided with medicine without our knowledge.  Forms for administration of medicine can be collected from the school office.

No Smoking School

New Ash Green School is a non-smoking school.  The school is committed to improving the health of all our children and staff, as well as that of other members of our school community.  This also includes the area adjacent to the school gates.  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

KCC No Smoking Policy

Head Lice

At present parents need to take on the responsibility for regularly checking their child’s hair.  We do consider it good practice to let parents know if there is an outbreak of head lice, in the form of a letter to the whole class, so that children can be checked more frequently at home during this time period.  Treatment should only be administered if live lice are seen on the head.  Combing regularly with a head lice comb will prevent infestation.



Between 1 January and 9 May, 2018, 440 laboratory-confirmed measles cases were reported in England, with London (164), the South East (86), West Midlands (78), South West (42) and West Yorkshire (37) reporting the most cases. The majority of cases (54%) are over 15 years of age.

PHE local health protection teams are working closely with the NHS and local authorities to raise awareness of the measles outbreaks among health professionals and local communities. PHE has developed a series of posters and leaflets that can be ordered free via the Health and Social Care Orderline [2]. In addition social media banners are available to anyone wishing to promote MMR vaccination: these are suitable for Twitter and Facebook and can be used on digital displays [3].

The increase in cases is mainly associated with importations from Europe that have led to some limited spread in the population, particularly young people and adults who missed out on MMR vaccine when they were younger, and under-vaccinated communities such as migrant populations, travellers and the anthroposophic (Steiner) community. A number of strains have been identified – which is consistent with multiple importations; however the commonest strain is the same B3 genotype currently circulating in Romania.

Measles is a highly infectious viral disease easily prevented by vaccination and yet remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality globally. There are currently several large outbreaks across Europe in countries where MMR vaccine uptake has been low historically. Earlier this year the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) published a rapid risk assessment on measles [1]. This concluded that:

  • there is a high risk of continued measles transmission with mutual exportation and importation between European and ‘third countries’
  • even if a country achieves 95% MMR uptake, there is still potential for outbreaks in subnational zones or communities and older age cohorts with low coverage
  • the occurrence of measles among healthcare workers highlights the need for targeted interventions to ensure proof of immunity or immunisation ahead of employment

National guidelines

Below are some links for advice on measles and immunisation.

Don’t Let Your Child Catch It!

MMR For All Leaflet

PHE National Measles Guidelines. Available at:

PHE Guidance for measles post-exposure prophylaxis. Available at:

PHE Measles guidance on international travel and travel by air, available at: