Year 1 learning from home
Week beginning 8/06/20
English Learning
This week our English will focus on:
The Gingerbread Man
Before Watching:
- This week we are continuing to think about fairy tales. Can you remember which fairy tale we looked at last week?
- What do you think this fairy tale might be about?
While you are watching:
- Who bakes the gingerbread man?
- What does the gingerbread man say while he is running?
- Which animal chases the gingerbread man first?
- How many people and animals chase the gingerbread man?
- Why does the gingerbread man get onto the fox’s back?
- What adjectives are used to describe the fox in the video?
- How did the fox manage to eat the gingerbread man?
- Were your predictions about what might happen to the gingerbread man correct?
- Re – enact The Gingerbread Man fairy tale. You could use toys, draw puppets or pretend to be the characters. You could draw your own masks for each of the characters? How might each character’s voice sound?
- Using the sentences on the attached document, please sequence the fairy tale. Choose a star level. 1 * sequence the pictures, 2** sequence the pictures and given sentences, 3*** sequence the pictures and have a go at writing your own sentence for each picture to retell the story.
DOCUMENT 1 Gingerbread Man sequencing
- Write descriptions of the main characters – the gingerbread man, the old lady and the fox. (For example, ‘The gingerbread man was brave.’). See if you can extend your sentence using the connective ‘because’ to explain your description (For example, the fox was cunning because he tricked the gingerbread man.)
- What do you think the old lady, the gingerbread man, the fox and the old man are thinking as the gingerbread man runs away? (For example the old lady may be thinking ‘Am I dreaming?’ ‘Did I put magic in my baking?’) Use the attached thought bubbles to write some of your ideas, DOCUMENT 2 Thought Bubbles
- Draw a picture of your favourite part of this fairy tale and write a few sentences about what happened.
Spellings and Grammar Learning
Choose a set of spelling to challenge yourself.
Spelling words
Set 1: chip, chop, chin, chat, chick
Set 2: paw, draw, claw, straw, thaw
Set 3: awful, haunt, torch, drawn, launch
Specific nouns
For example rather than saying dog you would use a breed of dog such as Labrador or Alsatian.
Activity 1:
Write 2 or 3 alternative specific nouns for these nouns
– dog – (For example Labrador, Alsatian, Boxer)
– flower – (For example rose, bluebell)
– cat
– tree
– bag
Activity 2:
Improve these sentences by changing the noun for a specific noun
For example; The dog ran past the tree – The Alsatian ran past the tall oak tree.
- The cat was stalking the mouse.
- The child carried a bag.
- The dog sniffed the flowers.
The cat climbed up the tree.
focus on the sound /u-e/ (split diagraph as in tube)
Watch Mr Thorne Does Phonics /u-e/
Play Picnic on Pluto using Phonics Play focus on the /u-e/ sound. On game select phase 5 then u-e.
Let’s keep active!
Every week day morning at 9am Joe Wicks will be holding a live PE lesson on his YouTube Channel: The Body Coach TV. You will also find 18 Kids Workouts to do at Home; Get involved and get active!
You can make a free account with ‘Go Noodle’ to use at home. This has a range of activities to keep you moving, as well as some lovely calming activities like yoga and rainbow breathing. We use this a lot at school.
Other activities
Bake your own gingerbread man and decorate him. What could you use for each of the different features e.g. eyes? You could use coloured icing, chocolate buttons, sprinkles, raisins, mini biscuits, orange rind…
Click on the attached document to find a recipe and method.
DOCUMENT 3 Gingerbread Man recipe
If you are not able to bake a gingerbread man, you could draw a picture and design your own gingerbread man. Think carefully about how each different food item might look. You could even label your design so you or someone else could make him/her at another time.
Have a go at singing this song about The Gingerbread Man running to the tune of ‘London Bridge is falling down.’ If you still have your home made instrument from last week you can use this to play along too. Can you create your own band to practise and then perform this song to another family member?
DOCUMENT 4 Gingerbread Man song
Using the attached world map, see if you can find the UK.
Can you find any other countries that you know? Maybe a country you have been to, a country that different family members live/have visited or a country that you have heard of. To take this even further you could find out a fact about a country that interests you.
Next, see if you can locate France on the map.
Watch this clip of Barnaby Bear in France.
Discuss and then draw ways that Barnaby could get home to England from France.
This week we are going to revisit our learning on algorithms by using the different levels of the program ‘2go’ to practise giving step by step instructions to complete a task.
Please look at this PowerPoint about belonging and click on the video link on one of the slides.
DOCUMENT 6 Belonging PowerPoint
Use this as a point for discussing how we get a sense of belonging to different groups in our lives (such as our own family, a football group, a religious group, a club, the school community.) Talk about how this is important and how it makes you feel.
Think about a time when you have felt proud.
Draw a picture of what you did and what happened to make you feel proud.
Share this with your adult.
An example could be when you tried really hard to complete a fantastic piece of work and you received a head teacher award.
Click here to add your own text
Maths Learning
This week’s maths key skills to focus on are:
Can you remember all the days of the week? What is the day today? How many days are there in a week? What are the 12 months in a year? Can you remember them in the correct order?
Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Can you say them in funny voices? You could pretend to be an alien, be a robot, be a mouse, be a giant…. Who can say them faster, you or your adult?
This week’s maths focus is: Multiplication as repeated addition.
Please look at this introduction to multiplication as repeated addition to get started.
DOCUMENT 7 Multiplication
Activity 1
Record the 2x table as arrays. For example 1 row of 2 dots for 1 x 2 = 2. 2 rows of 2 dots to work out that 2 x 2 = 4.
For a reminder about arrays look at this PowerPoint.
You could draw your arrays as dots or use raisins / chocolate buttons / blueberries / buttons to create your arrays. After drawing/creating your arrays try to count your dots in groups of ‘2’, ‘5’ or ‘10’ rather than counting each individual dot when working out the answer.
For an extension you could try drawing arrays for the 5 or 10 x tables.
Activity 2
Use repeated addition to solve the multiplication questions on these worksheets. Choose your level of challenge using the 2, 5, 10 or a mixture of all times tables.
DOCUMENT 9 Activity 2
Activity 3
Multiplication as repeated addition and arrays. Try to count in groups of 2, 5 or 10 to work out the answers. Select a * level for a challenge that suits you.
DOCUMENT 10 Activity 3
Activity 4
Colour in the pictures by solving multiplication problems. Check the colour for your answer and colour the shape in accordingly. Use arrays to help you work out the answer. Choose the sheet for the x table you would like to practise.
DOCUMENT 11 Activity 4
Activity 5
Ask your adult to randomly call out multiplications for you to solve from the 2, 5 or 10 x table. Use arrays to help you work out the answer. How many can you answer correctly in 1 minute, 2 minutes…?
This week’s maths problem/challenge:
If I had 10 lollipop sticks (you could use any item in your house that you have 10 of or draw dots) how many different arrays can you make for the 2, 5 or 10 x table? Write down the coinciding multiplication.
For example; 1 rows of 10 – 1 x 10 = 10, 5 rows of 2 – 5 x 2 = 10, 2 rows of 5 – 2 x 5 = 10, 10 rows of 1 – 10 x 1 = 10,
For an extension how many arrays can you make with 20 of the same item?
Let’s be scientific!
This week we would like you to learn about common garden plants.
Please use the attached sheet.
DOCUMENT 12 Common Garden Plants
Draw a plan of your garden and label where any of these plants grow in your garden.
Design a garden. Draw and label where these plants could grow.
Parents and carers – you can also access free resources via
You will need to make a free account using the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS
You can then search a wide range of resources.
School re-opening
Arriving at school
Inside school
Here are some activities that you might like to choose from over the next week:
You could create a junk modelling art gallery.
Make some models out of junk and display them in your front garden for people to see as they walk by. Have a look online for some fun junk modelling ideas.
You could theme a whole day around your favourite book, book character or superhero. You could dress up, decorate your house and create fun activities that you could do during the day.
Try pressing flowers.
You could collect some flowers from your garden or on a walk. Watch the video clips to find out what to do.
Do something kind for someone each day.
Maybe phone a relative to make them feel happy, help to wash a car, send a card to someone, make your bed, put some food or water outside for the birds.
Create a forest or animal out of Lego and make a loo roll bird feeder!
Have a look at the Woodland Trust’s website for some brilliant ideas.
Collect some sticks from a walk or in your garden.
How many different 2D shapes can you make? Can you make 3D shapes with the sticks? How could you join them together?
Have a movie night!
Vote on a movie to watch. Will you have a dress code? What refreshments will there be? You could make tickets for the people who are going to be watching the movie. Are the tickets and refreshments free or will people have to pay?
Build a bug hotel.
It could be large or small. Have fun and see if any bugs move in!
Put on a show.
Make your own puppets for the show. You could use paper plates, lolly sticks, some old socks, toilet rolls. Think about what your show is going to be about, practice it and then it is…. performance time! You could even use a box for the stage and have some props.
You could design and make your own summer drink.
You could try out different ingredients. Make it taste delicious! Remember to make a note of the ingredients so that you can make it again for other people to try.