Year 4 learning from home
Week beginning 18.01.21
English Learning:
Our English learning this week will focus upon Roger McGough’s poem, ‘The Sound Collector’.
Monday 18th January – Lesson 1 – WALT investigate sound words
Watch Mrs Goss’ video, remembering you can pause at any point, which introduces the poem and focuses upon the use of sound words.
You can also look through the PowerPoint too (saved in ‘English lessons’ on MS Teams)
Please complete your own sound word poster considering how to best show the sound through your font type, size and the matching image (set as an assignment in MS Teams)
Grammar – WALT know the grammatical difference between plural and possessive – s
Complete the PurpleMash 2Do ‘Harry’s Party’
Tuesday 19th January – Lesson 2 – WALT answer comprehension questions
Read the poem and answer the comprehension questions.
Copy of the poem and comprehension questions, which you can write onto, are both saved in Teams.
Spelling – WALT investigate suffixes: Past and present tense
Watch the lesson from The Oak National Academy and complete the spelling tasks. You will need paper and a pencil. Remember you can pause the video in order to complete the tasks.
Wednesday 20th January – Lesson 3 – WALT plan
Use the PowerPoint to help you understand how to plan out ideas for sound words that, in due course, can be used within your own version of the poem. Complete your ideas on the planning document (* = 4 ideas; ** = 5 ideas; *** = 6 ideas)
PowerPoint and Planning document are both saved on Teams.
Spelling – WALT practise and apply suffixes: Past and present tense
Watch the lesson from The Oak National Academy and complete the spelling tasks:
Thursday 21st January – Lesson 4 – WALT draft
Watch Mrs Goss’ video which explains and models how to draft your own version of The Sound Collector poem. Complete your own draft version of your poem using your plan ideas from yesterday’s lesson to help.
Video is saved on Teams. Your draft can be completed on paper or word processed – up to you. This does not need submitting.
Grammar – WALT correctly use apostrophes to mark plural possession.
Complete the PurpleMash 2Do ‘Jane’s Monster’
Friday 22nd January – Lesson 5 – WALT publish
Edit and improve your draft poem from yesterday. Then complete a ‘best’ version, publishing onto the template provided (saved on Teams). You could use this as an opportunity to either improve your typing skills or – if you have access to a printer – improve your handwriting.
Can you perform your poem to an ‘audience’ at home? Think about how to read aloud the sound words. Maybe include props to help you out.
Maths Learning:
This week in Maths, we will be revisiting place value.
Please click on the link below to find the lessons. There is a video for each one.
Monday – Lesson 1 – Recognising the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number.
If you are finding the activity on the lesson too challenging, try the worksheet instead (saved on Teams as ‘Maths – Monday 18th Jan’).
If you are finished and want a challenge, try and create your own questions, such as: What is the value of the underlined digit in 4132?
Tuesday – Lesson 2 – Recorded Lesson on TEAMs in Resources – Ordering and comparing numbers beyond 1000.
The activity for this lesson is saved on Teams (as ‘Maths – Tuesday 19th Jan’). There are 3 levels of challenge included.
If you are finished and want a challenge, try and write a set of instructions teaching someone how to order numbers.
Wednesday – Lesson 3 – Ordering and comparing a set of numbers beyond 1000.
If you are finding the activity on the lesson too challenging, try the worksheet instead (saved on Teams as ‘Maths – Wednesday 20th Jan’)
If you are finished and want a challenge, complete the Purple Mash 2Do called: Order and Compare Numbers.
Thursday – Lesson 4 – Finding 10, 100 or 1000 more than a given number.
If you are finding the activity on the lesson too challenging, try the worksheet instead (saved on Teams as ‘Maths – Thursday 21st Jan’).
Friday – Lesson 5 – Recorded Lesson on TEAMs in Resources – Rounding numbers to the nearest 100.
The activity for this lesson is saved on Teams (as ‘Maths – Friday 22nd Jan’). There are 3 levels of challenge included. If you are stuck, there is a video by BBC bitesize to further explain things for you:
If you are finished and want a challenge, give the final activity a go (saved on Teams as ‘Maths – Friday 22nd Jan 2’)
Please remember you also can access your TTRS account and Purple Mash using your logins to continue to improve your multiplication and arithmetic skills.
Other Activities:
What you will need:
- Post it notes,
- A pen,
- A ball or pair of socks.
How to play:
- Write a letter of the alphabet on each post it note and stick them to the wall.
- Begin 3m away and throw your ball to hit the letters and spell the following words…SUN, SPRING, FLOWER, RAINBOW.
- Then, have a go at spelling your own word.
For RE this week, we are learning about Diwali and its significance.
Watch this clip:
After, open the 2Do called ‘Diwali Sweets Recipe’ and complete the activity.
For PSHE this week we will be thinking about ‘Diversity’. Work through the PowerPoint (which is saved on Teams) and complete the attached document. It would be helpful in this activity to be able to talk through the slides with someone at home.
For this lesson, we are introducing our new topic – ‘The Vikings’. Watch Mrs Davin’s lesson on Teams and complete the activity.
For the lesson this week, we would like you to complete the following 2Dos:
- How Search Engines Work Slideshow
- Searching the Internet.
Try to include as much detail as possible when completing the final 2Do